Mental Health has become a buzz word in recent years, yet its always been around. Different words used to describe mental health such as anxiety, stress, depression etc. The fact is mental health is not a new condition. Perhaps its become more acceptable to talk about it now than in years gone. I am sure that my parents generation had mental health issues, their stress was just as real as ours today, albeit a different place in time and with different stress issues than we face today.
Our personality type and genetic makeup have much to do with how we handle external factors and situations which contribute toward mental health.
Tackling mental health means doing away with the stigma. If you have a cold or the flu you go to the doctors and get medication to treat the symptoms. Why is it any different with stress, or anxiety or depression? Previous generations may not have spoken openly about mental health or brushed it under the rug, perhaps there was a certain level of shame associated with it. Whatever the case, there is no need in this day and age for people to suffer unnecessarily with this. There is help available and there is no shame in seeking it.
We are all unique, some of us are able to shake off life's challenges and bounce back from negative situations with no ill effects whilst others find this soul destroying, unable to find their way out of the dark tunnel, not knowing in which direction to turn. The challenges life throws at us mount up on top of one another until you feel you are drowning in despair.
The world at large has been facing many challenges, often quite daunting, therefore its not surprising that some people are finding it difficult to get back their levels of positivity and energy.
When you feel completely overwhelmed, remember that nothing stays the same forever, what you feel at this moment in time will not necessarily be how you feel tomorrow or the next day. Emotions and life are not static but everchanging.
Surround yourself with positive energy, positive and happy people, negative people and negative energy will drain you emotionally even more.
Get out in the fresh air and exercise, its a proven fact that exercise helps triggers the release of “feel-good hormones,” or endorphins, in the brain.
Do something for someone else! Evidence shows that helping others can benefit our own mental health. Giving to others in the community is a positive way of focusing on others and at the same time it creates a diversion from our own problems by helping out others.
Create or join a support group. This should motivate you and keep you positive, it also shows that you are not alone in this. We often feel that no one will understand how we feel or the depths of our despair and whilst no one can necessarily feel exactly as you do, the fact that there are others out there that can relate is often of great comfort & support.
There is no shame in taking medication if your doctor has prescribed it to help you through this period. Take the medication, if you find that it isn't working return to your doctor to discuss this. Very often several types of medication is tried or dosages are adjusted until finding the right one that seems to offer the best.
Relaxing and uplifting essential oils such as Neroli, Lavender, Frankincense, Petitgrain, Sandalwood, Rose, Lemon, Sweet Marjoram or Rosemary in a diffuser can create feelings of peacefulness, calm and contentment.
You are not alone, there are people who care, dont be afraid to reach out!!!