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A gorgeous pre-blended aromatherapy massage oil to aid in lymphatic drainage.

We formulate our products in small batches to avoid unessessary wastage.   


Feeling sluggish? Heavy feeling in your legs? Feel like you have gained extra weight?


Heres what a client had to say: " Several days of the month I battle with extra fluid retention, I feel sluggish and just downright uncomfortable. I have used this product for a month, followed the instructions for use  and can definately notice a difference."



Product comes in 200ml aluminium container.




Aromatherapy Pre-Blended Massage Oil "Fluidity" 200ml

Price Options
One-time purchase
Subscribe and save £2 per month on the product
£16.00every month until canceled
  • Wash hands thoroughly before aplying the product. Dispense a small amount in the palm of your hand, apply to lower limbs, massage and distribute the oil by using light strokes with the palm of your hand. Start at the toes, working upwards toward the top of the thighs using a smooth, gently upward sweeping stroke in one direction toward the heart.

    Repeat the process 4 times in each area covering the entire lower limbs. 

    For the stomach and waist, follow the same procedure, using gentle sweeping strokes in the direction of the heart.


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