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May 19, 2021
In Holistic Wellness
Simple Things to Do When You’re Feeling Lonely During the pandemic, loneliness has spread almost as fast as the virus. Maybe you’re cut off from family and friends. Maybe you miss the daily interactions at your office or neighbourhood coffee shop. While recent events have created new challenges, loneliness has long been a part of daily life. It’s natural to need a community and a sense of belonging. However, these feelings are manageable. Learn how to deal with loneliness when you’re alone or in a crowd. Try these simple things that will help you to feel more content and connected. Connecting with Others The quality of your relationships matters more than the quantity. Build a network of support where you can feel loved and cared for and when it matters those will be the ones who rally around to help! Try these techniques for coping ⚡️ Stay in touch. Make your family and friends a top priority. Block out time to spend together on a regular basis. Take the initiative to plan outings and parties. Set up weekly coffee dates (when covid regulations allow for this) and phone calls or have a skype coffee date instead. Think outside of the box! Be inventive. Open up. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Express your thoughts and feelings. Talk about sensitive subjects. Pick a quiet time and place. Slow down and listen to each other. Maintain boundaries. Healthy relationships are based on respect and trust. Understand your limits when it comes to personal space and making commitments. Let others know how you expect to be treated. Express appreciation. Strengthen your relationships by showing gratitude and affection. Thank others for their kindness. Recognize their talents and accomplishments. Be polite too, it costs nothing to say please and thank you or to take the time to ask how someone is? Volunteer your services. Helping others puts your own troubles into perspective and makes you feel more connected. Sort cans at a local food bank or go grocery shopping for an elderly neighbour. Look out for one another, this is the basis of community! Join a club. Find others who share your interests. Start a running group or browse through your local "Meetup" for events that interest you. Prepare for transitions. There are times in life when you’re more likely to feel lonely. If you're moving to a new city or getting divorced, be proactive about staying engaged. Surround yourself with positive people and vibes especially during times of upheaval. Appreciating Your Own Company Do you enjoy spending time alone? Treating yourself like a beloved friend will help you to see solitude as a positive experience and relate more successfully to others. Keep these ideas in mind: Accept yourself. There’s a difference between being alone and being lonely. Value yourself for who you are. Let go of judgements and embrace your feelings. Build your confidence. Think about the purpose of your life. Clarify your values and use them to set meaningful goals. Give yourself credit for making an effort. Limit screen time. Do you use your devices to distract you from your thoughts? Put your phone away for a few hours a day. Turn your TV off unless you want to watch something specific. Continue learning. Devote your extra free time to acquiring new knowledge and skills. Take courses online or attend classes at a local university. Read books and listen to podcasts. Find a hobby. Fill your leisure time with challenging and enriching activities. There are hobbies to match any kind of interests or budget. Browse through magazines or ask your loved ones what they enjoy doing. Seek balance. Most adults need some time to socialize and some quiet time for themselves. Find the schedule that works for you. Consider counselling. If you have these feelings much of the time, it could be a sign of more serious issues such as depression, and professional help may greatly benefit you. Loneliness can have serious consequences for your physical and mental health. If you feel empty and isolated, reach out to friends and family or talk with a therapist. You deserve to have positive relationships with yourself and others! We would love to hear some of your coping mechanisms, drop us a message in the comments or if you prefer send us a private message. 🌷
"Loneliness" How has the current pandemic affected you? content media
May 19, 2021
In Holistic Wellness
Everyone has a little brain fog on occasion. But, if you’re regularly suffering from a serious case of brain fog, there are steps you can take. Brain fog can be frustrating and greatly limit your productivity and creativity. There are steps you can take to reduce or even eliminate brain fog. Try these tips and see just how clear-headed you can actually be. Practice these techniques to maximize your mental clarity and boost your productivity: 1. Exercise your body and your brain. Your brain and your body need a workout each day. Have you ever noticed that you feel better and think more clearly after a moderate bout of exercise? Plan some mental and physical exercise into your daily schedule. ● Mental exercise can be as simple as working a few brain puzzles or math problems. ● Physical exercise doesn’t have to be demanding, but it can be helpful to push yourself enough that you’re breathing hard. 2. Deal with stress. Stress is distracting. Stress also results in abnormal levels of hormones and neurotransmitters that can affect your thinking. Stress is hard on your body and your brain. Lower your stress levels if you want to do your best thinking. Invest in hobbies, take up activities or interests that will provide you with an outlet to focus your energy on. For some this may be gentle exercise, meditation, yoga, massage, for others it may be artistic interests such as taking up painting, or drawing, it can be going to the gym, gardening, taking walks, reading a book……whatever works for you as long as you find the activity enjoyable and it helps you relax and de-stress! 3. Get a checkup. See your doctor if you’re having issues with brain fog and nothing else seems to be working. It might be that you have an underlying medical condition that’s contributing to your brain fog. You might also be taking medication that’s creating challenges for you. 4. Eat healthy food. Unhealthy food can leave you with brain fog. Also, there are foods that are often considered to be healthy that just might not sit well with your system. It’s important to notice how you feel after eating different foods and use that information to your benefit. Experiment and see what you discover. 5. Sleep the right number of hours for you. If you’ve ever missed out on a few hours of sleep, you know how compromised your ability to think clearly can be. A lack of sleep is a major cause of brain fog. ● Interestingly, many people also suffer from brain fog if they sleep too long. An hour or more of sleep beyond what you require can greatly reduce your alertness. It’s not easy to reach 100% alertness if you sleep too long. ● Even if you think you do just fine with 5-6 hours of sleep, try sleeping longer and see if it helps. 6. Avoid stimulants and depressants. Too much caffeine can leave your brain racing. The same goes for other stimulants as well. Stimulants can also interfere with your sleep. ● Obviously, depressants can leave you feeling groggy and cloud your thinking. It’s best to avoid both if you want to minimize brain fog. 7. Drink some water. One of the early signs of dehydration is brain fog. If you just can’t seem to concentrate or to think clearly, have a glass of water and see if that helps. A tall glass of water every few hours isn’t a bad idea. Drink according to your levels of thirst. Conclusion Brain fog doesn't have to be a regular occurrence in your life. Take the necessary steps to minimize the amount of brain fog you experience each day. If you try all of these tips and aren’t satisfied with your progress, schedule an appointment with your physician. Brain fog can potentially be a serious issue, but it’s harmless in origin the vast majority of the time, however it can have a negative impact on one’s quality of life. Give these tips a try and let us know if this helped you!
7 Ways to Clear Brain Fog content media
May 06, 2021
In Skincare
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May 06, 2021
In Skincare
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May 06, 2021
In Skincare
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